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OPROMFish Project

Optimization and Practical Applications of New Fish Propagation Methods for Future of Fish Culture


Within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Protocol between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO), OPROMFish project were supported under grant agreement No. 121N529 (2522 TÜBİTAK – NRDIO Bilateral Cooperation Call)

The fish breeding technology has been developed very fast in last few decades and new technologies and knowledges in aquaculture industry have been bringing new problems to solve (e.g. selective breeding programs, fish welfare, best offspring needs, candidate species, etc.). In addition, there are breeding difficulties in some fish species (e.g.: Bluefin tuna, ell, grouper, etc.), therefore many institutions and companies have been giving effort to put in practice to produce these candidate aquaculture species. Two fish propagation methods were developed by the partner institute (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, formerly known Szent István University) researchers. These methods which will be studied in this project opens new doors to cope with many of these problems which have been faced by aquaculture industry and related scientific researches nowadays. 

In aquaculture industry and/or research, propagation success of cultured fish is one of the key problems. In most of fish species propagation methodology has been already optimized but there are still gaps in candidate aquaculture species (i.e. Epinephelus sp., Thunnus sp. and Anguilla sp.). In addition, there have been still many difficulties and expenses necessity for the success of the selective breeding program. As a traditional commercial fish culture, broodstocks should have to be cared 1:2 ratio female and male which would end lot of broodstock tanks, feed and labor that cause cost increase of per juvenile. On the other hand, there are still big question and difficulties of propagation success of hybrid specie. In this project, new developed propagation methods which had been preliminary exterminated and been had promising results will be studied on freshwater and marine species. The practical application of the intended ideas in the project is a great white hope which will open new doors for future of fish culture by reducing cost of broodstock management, much more successful selective breeding program, solving propagation problems of many candidate freshwater and marine fish species and also for hybridization of fish.

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